Graphic Artist, Muralist, Musician

Inti Gonzalez was born in Hawaii in 2000 and was raised in Berkeley, California. Gonzalez currently resides at The Vulcan Studios, located in Oakland. A warehouse housing around 150 musicians, artists, and circus performers.

In 2014 she joined YSA (Youth Spirit Artworks) as an aspirant. In 2018 she became a Leader and was also made the new Illustrator for their Street Spirit articles (A newspaper dedicated to covering homelessness and poverty). 

Before leaving YSA in 2021, she participated in their new project of building the first ever Youth Tiny House Village, located in Oakland. She mostly worked on their 1.5 acre ground mural as well as her own Tiny House mural. 

Gonzalez is currently working as a Graphic Artist for Tiny Village Spirit. She aims to eventually become an activist and musician. Read the SF Chronical News Article about her here! Or click Read More